I strive beside you,
Still keeping my distance,
I watch you.
Your eyes the softest and sweetest,
Dark like the midnight sky,
Fur soft and graceful,
And here I am,
Watching you from a distance,
The way you sing,
Gets to me,
You’re howling,
I like how you change keys,
How you let me near you.
How you let me drink.
As I got to my feet,
Ready to run,
You get a head start.
And then I never see you again.
You disappear like the night escapes the morning,
Like the wind brushing the trees,
Even though I never got to say goodbye,
I did get to say hello.
Now I’m still wondering,
‘Will I ever see you again?’
Only time might tell,
Might tell in such a way that someday I will,
I can’t wait for that day,
Until then, I’m still wondering…
‘Someday soon, buddy… I might see you…’