Monday, 19 October 2015

The Truth About Society

Why is it that we all live?
Why do we have to have the need for drive?
What makes our minds tick?
Is this a simple trick?
Do we humans need to hit our heads with a brick,
In order that we all survive the mental trips,
That comes into practice when we find our need to live?
When we find our own drive,

What makes our brains tick?
What makes us think for our selves?
Does it simply come out of a book on a shelf?
Do we study hard from this book,
So that way we don't get stupid looks?
Why do we live the way we do?
Our minds are polluted by the propaganda,
Of our government that is constantly on the television tube?
What would the children think of us adults if all they see is nonsense on a little box,
From the morning to the midst of night?
Will they get happy by the adults they see,
From morning til first light?

Our minds are capable of so much more,
We discovered solutions to the worlds problems
But the government shut them out like we slam our front doors.
We discovered how to save energy,
How to become stronger mentally,
So why do we live the way we do?
Is it because of me or you?
NO! we live the way we do because of the habits
The government got us into.
The government helped us in many ways,
But right now they are brainwashing us to forget,
What our own mind says.
And become a drone who does nothing
But what they are told.
Without thinking about what they are capable of,
Till the very last breathe of life in which they have given up.

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