Wednesday, 26 December 2012

I've Never Felt This

I've never felt this way,
You are the one that I've been thinking about all day,
I think about what if you liked me,
What if you found me loving,
I know that sometimes I can't control myself
But what if you liked me?
What would you say if I said that I loved you?
Would that change your mind?
Can I be yours to hold?
Am I being too bold?
I just keep thinking about what if we came together,
Acted silly just for a moment,
Just be ourselves,
Like nobody's watching,
What if you loved me?
I would never stop smiling

I've never felt this way,
You're the only one that I think about all day
Its killing me,
All I want to be,
Is held,
And believed in,
All I ever wanted
Is to be yours

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Nobody Compares By One Direction With Samantha Belanger

You're so pretty when you cry, when you cry
Wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye
Now you're tearing me apart, tearing me apart
You're tearing me apart
I gave you wings,
You trip while flying,
I pull you up,
With every ounce of strength,
Your voice sings,
It carries you,
Makes you wanna fly,
Without delay,
Even today,
You never want to die.
You're so London, your own style, your own style
And together we're so good, so boy
Why are you tearing me apart, tearing me apart?
You're tearing me apart

When you love,
You Cherish,
When you mess up,
You Perish,
Whatever you do,
You never fall short,
However you make it,
I believe in you with astonishing support.
Did I do something stupid, yeah boy, if I blew it
Just tell me what I did, let's work through it
There's got to be some way to get you to want me
Like before

Cause no one ever looked so good
In a mess and it hurts, cause I know you won't be mine tonight
No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile
Baby, tell me how to make it right

Now all of my friends say it's not really worth it
But even if that's true
No one in the world could stop me from not moving on baby even if I wanted to,
Nobody compares to you

When you pass by,
Your head is always held up high,
Whenever your mad,
Your face looks sad,
Your voice, a battle cry,
We're so Paris when we kissed, when we kissed
I remember the taste of your Chopstick
Now you're tearing up my heart, tearing up my heart
You're tearing up my heart

Did I do something stupid, yeah boy, if I blew it
Just tell me what I did, let's work through it
There's got to be some way to get you to want me
Like before

Cause no one ever looked so good
In a mess and it hurts, cause I know you won't be mine tonight
No one ever makes me feel, like you do when you smile
Baby, tell me how to make it right

Now all of my friends say it's not really worth it
But even if that's true
No one in the world could stop me from not moving on baby, even if I wanted to
Nobody compares to you

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Inner Human

Some days I feel lonely,
Most weeks invisible,
Many months, gone.
I just can't figure out why
Most people have their friends,
While I have two.
Many have their parents,
Mine just don't get me,
You may think that I'm happy,
That's just a smile painted on,
I try so hard to be like you,
To be something that I know I can't be,
I know that your parents help you,
But mine don't get me, its true.

Some days I feel Lonely,
Most weeks, invisible.
Disappearing into darkness,
I'm done with being this way,
I'm done with everything,
I just want to be safe,
To feel loved.
Can't anyone understand it?
All I ever wanted was to be loved,
To have friends, (More than two)
To have parents that get me
That supports me,
Most of all, I want to be myself,
And not be something that I know I can't be.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Changed My Mind

What do I have to do?
I know that this shouldn't have happened,
To you,
But what else is there left to do?
If I could have went back,
Could have stopped and see what your saying,
Then you maybe I would have changed my mind.

Should I say what I'm thinking?
Or just walk away?
My mind is spinning out of control
I don't know which way is left or right.
You're always on my mind,
I should have stopped and see what you're saying,
I should have went back for you,
If only I could change my mind.

Baby I'm sorry for letting you go,
You were something special,
You meant something to me.
Like water flowing in one direction,
Like the wind
I shouldn't have let you go
If only....
I changed my mind. 

Monday, 3 December 2012

Tearin Me Up

I wish that you loved me,
What will it take to for me to prove to you,
What will I have to do to,
I wish that I can get you
To love me again.
Everyday that I spent is a day wasted,
Like a season that is never tasted.
You're just tearing me up,
Inside and out.
I just can't take it anymore,
I gotta see you,
But when I do, its too late,
You're with somebody new,
I just couldn't bare it,
I knew that you might have moved on
Leaving me behind and you pushing on.

The thought of you is too great,
You say that I might hate,
You for moving on without me,
But I'll tell you something,
I don't hate you.
Even though I am very much in love with you,
I just miss you,
Tearing me up
Inside and out,
By letting me miss you

Friday, 30 November 2012


I strive beside you,
Still keeping my distance,
I watch you.
Your eyes the softest and sweetest,
Dark like the midnight sky,
Fur soft and graceful,
And here I am,
Watching you from a distance,

The way you sing,
Gets to me,
You’re howling,
I like how you change keys,
How you let me near you.
How you let me drink.
As I got to my feet,
Ready to run,
You get a head start.
And then I never see you again.
You disappear like the night escapes the morning,
Like the wind brushing the trees,
Even though I never got to say goodbye,
I did get to say hello.
Now I’m still wondering,
‘Will I ever see you again?’
Only time might tell,
Might tell in such a way that someday I will,
I can’t wait for that day,
Until then, I’m still wondering…
‘Someday soon, buddy… I might see you…’

Friday, 23 November 2012

I Live In My Dreams

Are you really here?
Didn’t I just see you?
Fighting on the battlefield?
Now here you are,
Lying on the ground with your face in it.
I can’t accept this picture,
The trees torn from the ground,
People dying,
I just can’t grasp it.
I wish that we are in the meadows,
Like a dream,
Not this reality.
I can’t imagine you, once alive
Now died.
It comes as a shock to me,
Because we were once good friends,
Yes, I said were.
I said it,
Cause you’re died.
Boom, Boom!
That’s my cue,
Soon, very soon,
I’ll say hello to you.
But right now,
I can’t grasp it,
This war,
Thousands died,
Loads of empty shells,
And bloodshed.
But Most of all,
I can’t clasp this actuality,
I live in my dreams.
Of misconceptions

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Violence & Silence

Roses are red,
Blood is spread,
Violets are blue,
Nothing is true.
Swords dance,
While your face squints.
Mud is flinged,
Water is falling.

Roses are red,
Blood is thick,
Violence is sour,
And is happening every hour.
Peace is hard to find,
Silence is never a good sign.
Weapons are always being used,
People and victums abused.

War is nor good or bad,
It sometimes makes people sad.
Roses are red,
Blood is spread,
Violents are blue,
And what I'm telling you is true:

People die everyday,
Even today,
Peace doesn't matter,
Land that is earned,
Is sacrificed by the many that died defending it,

What do you think?
Are roses red when blood is spread?
Are violets blue even  when you know it's not true?

It happens every hour.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

House Party

This house is pumpin
My heart is racing
I just want to dance crazy,
Sometimes be a little lazy.
The beats are racing,
My head spinnin.
Everyone is having funn.
Just put your hands up and just dance crazy,
This night is just about done,
Sometimes and always playin Jay-Z,

This house is pumping,
I feel like jumping,
This beats are sick,
Just like magic.
My feet not stopping
Just shuffling and mixing.
DJ don't stop this music,
These beats are fantastic.
Everyone is having funn,
Just put your hands up and dance crazy,
We're just trying to live young,
Just playin Jay-Z.

I don't want this night to end,
With the sun comin
And the moonlight leavin
I guess its time to end,
Until the next night,
I will be waitin
Right now, the sun shines bright.


Friday, 26 October 2012


Many pathways help us,
Many poeple choose to ignore it,
These pathways that lead to somewhere helpless,
Somewhere precious,
Some say that this war will never end.
That this is just the illuison of our minds playing tricks on us.
The pathways of life twists and turns us,
Sometimes for the good and others for the worse.
I choose one path,
The path to freedom and peace,
The stones,
They tell each and every story.
The story of many people who were unfortunate.
Of many who once lived in peace,
Who loved to give love and affection.
Now I stand before them all,
Buried beneath the pathway that my very feet stand on.
SLipped away between the secrets and blood shed.
This is what war does,
Many pathways help us,
Now are people ignoring it?
These pathways lead to somewhere helpless,
And now I'm standing right in the middle of it.
Dancing and singing glories,
Some say that this war will never end,
That my mind is slowly drifting away,
Slipping between those cracks,
To meet those helpless people whose paths where buried.
Who I am stepping on,
Resting lightly with peace and happiness,
Not blood shed and secrets.
Where I'm slowly going to be.
Resting in the rocks on someone's pathway
Where their feet lay
And it starts all over again.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Lost Soul. (Dedictaed to Amanda Todd)

Nobody know what I've seen,
Some don't even know where I've been.
I don't know what else to do,
It's never easy because of what I do.
I always thought that I would never fit in,
That I never will find my old self in the recycling bin.
Like I thrown away everything that I worked for,
That none of it really matters anymore.
I knew what I was doing,
And it felt good,
Why does this have to be so bad and yet feel so good?
Why can't I find my way back to the old?
My way back to the recycling bin where I lay rest?
I know that some of the kids hate on me for what I've become.
I know that I can't change it even though I can.
I seen her,
I called out to her, to not to do it,
But there she goes and now she's died.
I know that I've probably never known her,
That she is some lost soul wanting to be loved.
Where was I?
Why couldn't I reach out and hold her hand?
Save her from dying?
I know what she went through and now,
All I want to do is save those who are distressed,
Bullied, and frustrated
Rest in peace,
Amanda Todd

P.s. Even though that I've never met this girl, I feel her pain and I just wanted to say to those people who bullied her to death- "Don't judge a person by thier morals, judge them by their personality or just don't judge them at all." I know what she went through and now I will try and help those who are bullied. Thank you for reading this.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The Way I've Always Loved You

I never really thought of why,
I never thought of how,
Of what,
Or even when,
All I know is that I am in darkness,
In an abyss of the unknown,
Like I have nothing left but my soul,
Like a dark flower cascading onto my mind,
Shadowing it from something pure evil.
I just can't take this.
I can't live another day like this.
I need some sort of help,
Some sort of freedom from this darkness,
From this knowledge over load.
I am always thinking,
Where can I find my inner peace?
I don't know the anwsers to these questions but some day I will find them.
I will dig a hole so that way I can lose myself in this sadness,
This horrifying madness.
All I want to do is sleep,
To try and stay alive.

All I want to do is rest my eyes,
Smell the ocean breeze,
To be able to set my soul free from everything,
And let go.
All I want is you to love me,
Like the way that I've always loved you.


Friday, 12 October 2012

On the Bus

I never thought that you would be there,
That you would come far from somewhere .
I know that me and you just met,
That we never needed to see what was right in front of us,
Sometimes I wish that you never left
On the bus.

Everytime that I drove somewhere,
I always thought of you,
Dancing on the air over there.
Then you always faded through my window,
The sky's always there,
Fresh and crisp each year.
The wind is always whistling,
Twisting and humming,
Grass, always fresh and green,
Always swaying and lush with rays of the beaming sun.

Now I miss those days,
Our fancy ways,
Espically in the middle of May.
I always loved the way that you would smile,
How the sun touched your skin,
It made me happy,
Seeing you again.
Your blonde hair,
Your blue eyes gazing into mine.
It just makes me smile.
If only you were actually here,
Not over there,
In the ground

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Something Beautiful

Eyes bright,
Like a million lights,
Shining through,
Piercing me from head to shoe.
Something beautiful,
Something unexplainable,
I can't help it,
You're always shining through,
From head to shoe.

Your face,
Always hidden,
Cloaked with mystery,
Smoothed over with passion,
With love and creativity,

A dozen roses,
Silky and sweet,
Just like you.
Without a clue,
You are always you.
Why can't you stop?
Stop shining on me and more on you.
You know I love you.

Your eyes,
Your face,
Shining through,
Hitting me from head to toe,
You're something,
Something beautiful too.

Blazing Fire

I am Fire
Flames burning
An orange glow
A radiating heat
I am Fire

I am Fire
Giving gifts of light
Providing warmth                                                           
I am Fire

I am Fire
A destroyer
Leaving ashes
In my wake
Taking lives
I am Fire

I am Fire
I appear in many
Different ways
Igniting a surprised look
On people’s faces
I am Fire

I am Fire
I can be many things
Can cause many incidents
Can take many lives
But I also bring life
I am in nature
And nature always
Makes miracles happen
I am Fire 

By Shannon Belanger

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

What Makes You Beautiful

Never did I seen something so,
So free and lovely.
Everytime you look down,
At the floor,
I always wonder why do you do that for?

Your smile gets me everytime,
Not only yours but mine,
What can I do?
You are just you,
Thats what makes you beautiful.

Your face,
So lovely,
Never brings disgrace,
What can I do?
This is why I love you.
Thats what makes you beautiful.

Never did I see something so,
Beautiful, Powerful,
So free and lovely,
Everytime you look down,
At the ground,
You dont know,
You dont know your beautiful,
And thats what makes you beautiful

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Never Ending

The wind always blows,
The flowers always blossom,
Ribbon dancing like a million bows,
Your face, never sad, it makes me feel awesome,

If I could be your lover,
If I could be more then yor friend,
Let me know,
Because some how,
I'll always love you,
I'll always be myself,
If I could,
I would,
Love you
Like its never ending,
Never Ending

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


By Shannon Belanger

Wind Flying in your face
Mixing up emotions
Causing your mind to swirl
Making it confused 
Eyes blurred
Many tears shed
Vision distorted
Past images flying before you
Images of regret

Regret of things
That should never be mentioned
That I’ll always keep hidden
Deep down
Where no one well see
Putting on a happy
A smile on the exterior
But inside
I’m a black hole
My emotions consuming me
Holding my back
Telling me things
That put me down
Diminishing confidence

I collect each smile I see
If comment I receive
Even a nice gesture
And look back on it
Letting it comfort me
And for the a moment
I forget my feelings
My emotions
Enjoying my nice day
Knowing that they are
Precious moments
That doesn’t come very often
For sadness consumes me
Making me feel alone
The doctors gave
My feelings
A name
It’s called

Summer Dreamz

Fluffy clouds in the sky
Ships of white moving with the windy tides
Skies of blue staying longer and longer
And rays of sun pierce though our darkest hour
 But gloominess is within the grasp
Always there just hanging back
Waiting for a time to give the
Earth its rain and moisture

Making us think “when will this be over”
Summer is here
Even if it’s for a short while
Making us joyous
And making us smile

The blades of grass are green at last
The bloom of the flower is present in our garden
The trees are no longer barren
But are clothed with leafy garments
We hope for a summer with
Many memories
We hope that it will last

By Shannon Belanger

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


Our feet prance through the four winds,
Past every bin,
Our minds have thoughts,
Thoughts of never ending sins,
We could never be bought,
No matter who we've fought,
We just think a lot,
About what life would be like if we just ran,
Ran away from our problems,
Away from our battle plans,
No matter the damage,
You & I just ran,

With every step,
Our spirit grows,
Like a world wide web,
Our thoughts are always overexposed,
Some say that we have courage,
That we have skill,
I say we have spirit,
& good will.

Now we have been together for years,
And now & again, we pass around a couple of beers,
Over these years,
We've said a couple of cheers,
But today, it's new year's
Our thoughts, still unchanged,
When it comes to laughter, you're never derranged,
Some say that we have courage,
That we have skill,
I say we have spirit,
& good will.


Sunday, 19 August 2012

Forget Him

Forget Him, Forget his name, Forget his face, Forget his kiss, His warm embrace, Forget the love you once knew, Remember he has someone new, Forget him when they play your song, Remember when you cried all night long, Forget how close you once were, Remember he has chosen her, Forget how you memorized his walk, Forget the way he talked, Forget the things he used to say, Remember he has gone away, Forget his laugh, forget his grin, Forget the dimples on his chin, Forget the way he held you tight, Remember he's with her tonight, Forget times that went so fast, Forget the love thats moved its past, Forget he said he's leaving never, Remember he's gone forever... By: Unknown.

Thursday, 16 August 2012


Something you feel, Not like anything before, Pushes into everything, No matter what, It is something that cant be lost, Just found, No matter what, Happiness is always there, Everywhere. It floats in the sky, In the air, On the floor, In the palms of your hands, You breathe it in, Your body absorbs it, The smile that you put on your face, Is there with no disgrace. Something that you feel, Not like anything before, Pushes into you, No matter what, Happiness is there, Everywhere. You just gotta find it, Harness it, Make it yours, Like I did. Happiness, Never lost, Just found... And gained.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Feelings, Why can't They Stop?

Feelings, Why do we need them? Why dont we just go by how we see? Cant we just lose ourselves in space? Feelings, Useless things, I dont get why we need them, All they do is make my heart stop, Make my tears drop, Make my smile disappear, Feelings, Why dont they stop? Like a river, they flow, Like my brain, It never gets controlled. Feelings, Why do we need them? Why dont we just use our eyes, Cant we just lose ourselves in outer space? Feelings, Useless things, I dont get why we need them, All these feelings makes my heart sink, Makes my thinking stop, Lets my tears drop, Feelings, Why cant they stop?

Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Feelings Within Me

Music playing, My heart beating as he approached, Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump, His hand in mine, Our feet moving, By the beats of the music, Drifting, Swaying, Trying to go back to reality, But it just faded, Everyone stared, A million eyes upon me, Wondering what I've done wrong? Thier eyes disappeared, Once he came, Everything faded, Stopped, Disappeared, When he's around me, I feel its okay, to be myself, Because even though we are just friends, I know we could be so much more, While we were dancing, I asked that same question, We could be so much more, He lifted me up, Pulling me back to reality, Realizing he'll never know me, Because someday, He'll disappear within me.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Deep Inside Me

The wind rustling,
 Trees shaking,
The leaves dancing as if they were taken over,
My face,
Pressed up against the glass,
Waiting to jump outside,
 I didn't know why but I stood there,
The memories come flushing back,
Haunting me,
Twisting my brain as if it were stabbing me,
Over and over,
The memories of death,
I was terrified,
Afraid, that it might happen all over again,
The blood, I just couldnt bear it,
 That's why even though I wanted to, I couldn't go,
With the dancing leaves,
 lush grass,
And speckles of fresh hay,
 Those memories will haunt me,
Even though I can't do the things I love,
 Because it had been ripped away from me once,
 And I'm not going to make the same mistakes again,
Those memories will live on as a future reference to me,
 Because the person I loved, Died for me, Deep Inside Me